Monday, July 23, 2018

If the Shoe Fits…

The last instruction I gave myself as I dressed on Friday morning was, “Remember, you do NOT need any more shoes. You have plenty.” I purposefully wore shoes that tie, since they are harder to take off to try on some bargain on a driveway. (And also because we were going to the annual Salem Art Fair after garaging, so I’d be walking quite a bit.)

I am sure it is no surprise that at the very first sale, just down the street from my house, I found some shoes.

They weren’t my only find of the day. There were also bunnies. Practical bunnies – a soap dispenser bunny and a vintage Debbie Dean bunny mug.

 At the same sale I was smitten by these adorable salt & pepper shakers. 

Don’t know why, but for only a buck I had to have them. Maybe it's their small size, not quite as tall as the bunny mug. Anyway, it was love at first sight. I have no regrets.

Another sale yielded a fifty cent piece of heavy cotton fabric in a large scale paisley. About 2 yards long by 2 feet wide.  Good for something, one of these days. 

And another fifty cents bought this hand painted House of Hatten “December Sky Spirit” ornament, ostensibly from Pueblo mythology. I can always use a benign spirit about the house.

But the shoes…yes, they were the big splurge. Sort of. Because I found not just one pair, or two, or…okay, I bought FIVE pairs of shoes!

Two pairs of Danskos, one still in the box, both look like they were worn maybe once. They retail for around $125 a pair. And two pairs of Keens, same excellent condition, same original price range. And a pair of short boots, which were probably originally around a hundred bucks. So about $600 worth of quality footwear, all in my size.

For a total of five bucks. That’s right, they were a dollar a pair.

Admit it. You would have bought them all too!


  1. Oh yeah!! I would have bought great shoes for a $1 a pair!!! Oh love the little S&&P shakers also!

    1. I knew you would like them! And so much more reasonably priced that the things I liked at the art fair!

  2. You always find the coolest stuff. i may have to move out west. hahaha

  3. You can sell those shoes easily on Ebay! I highly suggest flipping them

    1. Definitely thinking about that for the pair in the box. Should more than pay for the morning's fun!

  4. I had an exact pair of the reddish Danskos and loved them for work and they went well with jeans. Don't know why I got rid of them!

    1. You should never get rid of Danskos. Just put them away until you're not tired of them!

  5. Should also mention we've been in the market for bikes and we found a couple at garage sales - mine for $49 and Ken's for $20. Need a little clean-up but otherwise in good shape. Then picked up a couple of bike helmets for $1 and $5. Now we just need a bike rack...

    1. I will add they aren't quite as spiffy as your basketed bad boy but they'll do fine for Minto Brown rides.

    2. Cool! You'll have to bring your bike over and ride around the neighborhood. There are some really cool old houses over here.

  6. i have turned into Imelda Markos as far as thrift shoes are concerned its the last couple of years of not having a pair without holes that have done it ,now im stockpiling them for the next extreme poverty event in my life

    1. Good plan! And one of the side effects of embracing our inner Imelda is that giving shoes a rest between wearings makes them last and last!

  7. I love ALL your finds and you did an amazing deal on those shoes!

    1. Thanks! It's been fun deciding which to wear each day.

  8. Oh yes I would have purchased them as well. I would not have been able to resist those salt and pepper shakers either.


I really love your comments. Thanks for coming along on my thrifty adventures!

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