Friday, August 5, 2011


Last Sunday my children’s librarians had a Storybook Tea to help me celebrate my retirement. It was quite lovely, and I had a wonderful time.

monkey on table

We actually had it at my house, which was handy for me! Our house is in a central location, and we’re having to keep the house and yard spiffy anyway because the house is on the market. We ate a ton of delicious food that everyone brought, and talked and laughed, and petted my dog Edward, and they gave me gifts.

Can I say these women totally understand me? Take a look at this.


A beautiful bonsai…and what is that it’s resting on?


Quarters, so I can keep going to yard sales! There were also these fabulous vintage bags.


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Each one had a quarter in it! And to honor where we are going…


Oregon quarters!

Isn’t that fabulous? Okay, I admit there were no quarters in this gorgeous blank book, but it’s going to be my new Saturday book that I keep notes in as I’m out garaging.

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I’ve used up my old notebook. There are literally two pages left in it, and I’ve got only a couple more Saturdays for garaging here.

I’ve looked forward to this life passage for a very long time. Retired from my career – gulp! It’s scary, yes, but very exciting. Four more days of work. I’m very grateful to have spent the last 10 years in this place with these people.

Thanks, you guys. You’re the best.

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  1. what an incredibly beautiful and talented bunch!!
    We will miss you , Fearless Leader, but hope to keep up with you online!!

  2. We love you Sharon! You'll be great in your retirement. Know that we'll miss you much!

  3. You have such wonderful friends! I love that they gave you a bunch of quarters!! lol! :)

  4. How fabulous(?) And thoughtful. Congratulations.

  5. Congrats on your retirement! What a thoughtful bunch of ladies! Those quarters are really thoughtful! You will have to chronicle what you 'trade' them in for at the sales!

  6. Congratulations on your retirement.

  7. I've been reading your blog for a while now and felt some sadness as you neared your retirement. What now of all of the neat garage sale finds for your librarians. It makes me happy though to see your celebration and to look forward to the next phase of your garage sale shopping. Congratulations on your retirement and looking forward to your next adventure.

  8. May great adventure be right around the corner as you leave your work base where, I'm certain, you brought literature to life for so many kids. Keep blogging so we can follow your new explorations vicariously. Congratulations on a career well done!


I really love your comments. Thanks for coming along on my thrifty adventures!

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