The package of goodies I won in Llyn M’s 200th Post Giveaway arrived yesterday! It was such fun to open the box and find not only the book, handsome bag holder, and vintage cake decorating kit that I was expecting,
Llyn, thanks so much, this really made my day.
Now, if y’all will excuse me I've got to go bake a cake to decorate…
Whoooooo. I'm jealous! Random acts of kindness. If I had a blog, the first thing I would start would be a random act of kindness day. That's if I had a blog. I would ask everyone to think up ways to do so. I remember years ago Oprah dedicated several shows to this very thing. Before Blogs.
ReplyDeleteBut wouldn't it be fun to do. Ah well, a girl can dream huh?
Have a good, thrifty, Saturday. I'm eagerly awaiting your next post to find out what nifty deals you found.
Miss Lila in Atlanta
That would be a very popular blog...sending out all sorts of stuff to readers.
ReplyDeleteI just got a good sized box from my aunt. It is filled with all sorts of fancy crochet trim made by my grandmother and great grandmother. they had used them on clothes, and linens, then cut them off and kept them. All are soaking in two buckets of OxiClean....very very dark, over 80 years old at least!