I had a comment on my last post recently from Genie saying I’ve
been missed, and I was very touched. I love getting comments (exception
= spam!!) and it’s been my practice to comment in reply. I’m not sure what’s
going on with the old blog, but it just will not let me leave a comment. Wants
me to keep signing in, even though I have signed in and it's my own blog,
dammit. I hope no one else has been similarly frustrated. Ain’t technology
grand? Actually yes, it is, but it sure can be frustrating.
I was going to say that my tolerance for frustration has not
increased along with my age, but upon reflection perhaps it has. I can
certainly roll my eyes and shrug and say “oh well” about most things that don't
go as I'd wish. Which has been a good attitude to bring to garaging this
summer; the pickings have been slim. Since I don't actually need anything and I
rarely resell now it really doesn’t matter, and I still have fun conversations
with folks along the way. And life still throws a few surprises at me from time
to time.
I'm still chuckling about something that happened when I was
leaving a sale a couple of weeks ago. I was just about to get into my car when
a woman leaving the same sale called over to me, “Hey, are you that woman who
is running for governor?” It’s a startling thing to be asked. (Not, of course,
if you actually are running for governor.) I assured her I was not that
person and she went on her way. On further reflection, I decided I might vote
for a candidate I'd seen shopping on driveways, since to me it denotes a
sensible attitude on fiscal responsibility.
At another recent sale I came upon two middle aged guys
going through DVDs and other items. One of them discovered a thick notebook
filled with cards – like baseball cards – in plastic sleeves. Oh look, he exclaimed,
these are all of Diana Rigg when she was in The Avengers. I couldn’t help
laughing; there are collector’s cards of Diana Rigg in The Avengers? Sheesh,
who knew. Then the other one said very seriously that the problem with this
notebook was that nothing was in its original packaging which was such a shame.
I can see there’s a whole area of collecting out there that I am completely
ignorant of. And plan to remain so, thank you.
And yes, they did buy all the collecting cards.
At another place I had an enjoyable conversation with a lady
I remembered buying some yarn from a few years ago at her previous sale. We talked
about yarn and textiles and somehow segued into gardening, and she asked I'd like
to see her back yard, that she was a novice gardener but had planted lots of
flowers over the past couple of years. We headed to the back, and it was
stunning – a riot of color and texture, just wonderful. “Hey,” I said, “I'm on
the Open Garden Committee of the Salem Hardy Plant Society, is there any chance
you’d like to open your garden for members to visit one of these days?” And she
said yes! Even though she’s not yet a member, she opened her garden this
weekend, and everyone who visited love it. I had such a good time watching her
connect with other gardeners and just soaking in the peace of her garden. So Linda,
thank you so much for surprising me and saying yes!

My biggest surprise lately did not happen while I was
garaging however. I was grocery shopping and headed to my favorite
pet store for dog food. These folks partner with a cat rescue group and
sometimes have adoptable kitties in the store; it is in fact where I found my Millie.
I always glance over at the big walk-in enclosure just to see if any kitties
are there, and this time there was one – a tiny dark gray tabby kitten, ten
weeks old. Our eyes met. He gave a tiny little mew. And I was a goner.
I was in no way in the market for an additional pet. But I was
smitten. When I left the store with my dog food I was telling myself sternly
that I had to think about this overnight, I should not rush into anything. By the
time I got home I was telling myself sternly that I had to think about this at
least until I put the groceries away. When I finished with the groceries…I went
straight to my phone and called the pet store and said that kitten in MINE!
And he is. His name is Stanley and he is fabulous.
For such a baby he’s quite mellow. Had the run of the house
within a day and gets along with everyone. Plays adorably, eats like a champ,
and likes to cuddle. He tucks himself beside my pillow and sleeps all night. Okay,
a couple of times he’s been up at 2 a.m. to play with my eyebrows, but hey, he’s
a baby. I could not be happier with my impulsive decision and have no regrets
at all.
Which reminded me of an earlier cat adoption, when we took
in Puddy. He was at least 12 at the time, and I was afraid it would be hard to
integrate him into the family. But he walked in, greeted the other cat and two
dogs, and simply settled in to live the rest of his life with us. Again, no
regrets, and he inspired me to write this. Feel free to substitute your name of
choice for Puddy – and say yes to the next surprise that comes your way!
You should always
say ‘yes’ to a Puddy.
A Puddy’s a
wonderful thing.
They’ll purr for
you in the autumn
And summer, and
winter, and spring.
They lay by you
in your bed at night
And sing you a
soft lullaby
And during the
day, they’ll get in your way
And crouch where
you want to walk by.
You should always
say yes to a Puddy.
A Puddy’s a
wonderful guy.
They’ll be with
you when you are happy
And mop up your
tears when you cry.
They eat whatever
you give them,
Then bump your
head with their nose
And when dinner’s
done, they lie in the sun
In a perfectly
artistic pose.
So always say yes
to a Puddy
If a Puddy should
come to your door.
He’s wise and he
has much to teach you
And a Pud can't
be bought at the store.
Though at first
you might think you don’t need one
And you try to
say no, not for me.
You’ll never
regret a Pud as a pet
Just try one, and
then you will see.