Zoe’s been needing a new blanket. I know you know that when I say new, I mean new-to-us, not new-new. She likes something portable that she can dig and arrange and create a nest. She’s been using one made of two layers of fleece with the edges cut into strips and tied together. The fabric is cute and she’s gotten a lot of use from it, but…it’s made of polyester.
The more I read of the pollution in the ocean caused by laundering polyester textiles, the more bothered I've become about it. There is almost no polyester in my clothing and household goods (you know me and cotton and linen and cashmere!) but here was this blanket. Which, being used entirely by dogs who drag it around and sleep on it, definitely needs laundering fairly often. So I decided to look for a replacement made of cotton. I figured I'd see one of those loosely woven cotton throws before too long (which I haven’t).
But I think I found something better – a thick small sized
quilt that apparently was originally from World Market or the like. Spotted it
at a sale in my old neighborhood on Friday, with a price tag of two bucks. As it
turned out it was the only find of the day, but that’s fine, because it's been
a total hit.
I threw it into the washer as soon as I got home. Washed and dried beautifully. It's thick, hand quilted with what appears to be a cotton batting.
I took it into the house and laid it on the bed to admire, and two seconds later saw this.
A couple minutes passed and....
All three of my girls love this thing! Right now it’s covering their side of the bed. I keep finding them hanging out on it during the day,
and at bedtime they line up down its length and snooze all night. The size is perfect both for the bed and for the sofa during the day, especially as it gets cooler. I haven’t told the girls yet, but I really like this thing too. We may have to work out some kind of time share agreement so I can get cozy under it too.
It almost makes me look forward to winter. I see myself
snuggled into my red
sofa, sipping a cup of tea, reading a good book, quilted throw over my legs,
Millie on my lap, Fannie holding down one side and Zoë the other.
The furnace will not be needed, and there will be absolutely
no chance of me falling off the sofa!