Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Getting Artsy

One of the things I'm really enjoying about living alone (or at least as alone as a woman with two dogs and a cat will ever be) is the complete freedom to decorate as I please. No negotiating about where to hang a picture or place a piece of furniture. Zoë and Fannie and Millie never ever say, “Where are you going to put that?”

I think I may be turning my house into a gallery. I keep finding pieces of art that I can't resist, and locating one more spot to accommodate the new acquisition. There was that watercolor from the estate sale a couple of weeks ago, which seemed to open the floodgates. The next time I went garaging, I picked up another original painting…for a dollar. 

I love it; reminds me of the creek I now live on (though my location is nothing like so rural – I'm only about 10 blocks from the state capital!). The next day I went to the Baptist rummage sale, and there was another original oil, this time an autumn scene of a covered bridge. (Did you know we have more than 50 covered bridges in western Oregon?) 

The price was two dollars, so there was no incentive to resist. Hanging next to it was a beautifully stitched and framed crewel embroidery, probably from the 70s. 

I believe it was a Paragon kit called Poppies in Bloom (for some obscure reason…). Whoever stitched it did a beautiful job.

Of course art comes in all formats, and I've always loved folk art. Which certainly describes my newest bunny, who comes from Russia with love. (MY love – I'm crazy about him!) 

When you swing the wooden ball he paddles his boat; it is fabulous. I keep taking him down to play with.

Found an area rug for my living room that was art to my eyes. Thick wool plush, looks like new, twenty bucks. Yes please.

And I stand firm in my belief that well-designed, practical items we use every day are a wonderful form of art. Into which category I put my new paring knife; don’t you love using a good knife? 

In fact, a big part of the enjoyment I get from cooking (and oh yes, I do love the eating part!) is using the terrific kitchen tools I've found on driveways over the years. Excuse me while I go make a note to do a future post on a tour of my favorite kitchen stuff…

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